Pradeep reviewed 1984 by George Orwell
Very good dystopian fiction
5 stars
Captures how much tyranny, abuse and manipulation can break people till they are no longer themselves.
George Orwell: George Orwell's 1984 (1980, Dramatic Pub Co)
Published July 17, 1980 by Dramatic Pub Co.
Captures how much tyranny, abuse and manipulation can break people till they are no longer themselves.
I've read this book wanting to fully understand the concept "Orwellian". I was always able to conceputualize the idea of "Big Brother" but never really full understood.
This book certainly fufilled that quest for knowledge, and masterfully described a dystopian outome potentially arising from a outbreak of fascism. A perfect example of storytellying using a relatively plausible future arising from the Nazi regime and the rise 20th century authoritarianism.