Meno vetra

Paperback, 639 pages

Slovak language

Published Aug. 8, 2008 by Ikar.

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5 stars (2 reviews)

Kvothe vyrastá v spoločnosti kočovných umelcov. Šťastné detstvo ukončí nepochopiteľná vražda jeho rodičov a všetkých, ktorých mal rád. Túžbu pomstiť smrť blízkych potláča potreba vyrovnávať sa s nástrahami bežného života.

37 editions

epic adventure

5 stars

Patrick Rothfuss wrote a masterpiece. My friend had lend it to me as her and introduced it as her favourite book, it did not disappoint. Well written, epic, tense, funny and a fantastic world around university, magic, adventure and love. Involving tragic moments, humour, suspense and surprises.