To Kill a Mockingbird

Hardcover, 336 pages

English language

Published Jan. 14, 2015 by Harper.

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5 stars (4 reviews)

50th Anniversary Edition

47 editions

XX. mende hasierako AEBetako hegoaldearen erretratua neskato (zuri) baten ikuspuntutik

5 stars

Liburuaren bizkarreko laburpena irakurrita epaitegiak eta abokatuak oinarritu dituen liburu bat espero nuen eta egia esan ez ninduen gehiegi erakartzen. Hala ere, irakurri ahala ezusteko oso atsegina hartu dut. Lege kontuek badute pisua liburuan, batez ere liburuaren erdi aldera, baina nagusiki XX. mende hasierako AEBetako hegoaldeko herrixka baten eta bertako biztanleen erretratua da, neskato zuri baten ikuspuntutik kontatua: arrazismoa, klasismoa, sexismoa, itxurakeria... Amaitu ondoren kritikak irakurtzen aritu naiz, eta egia da ikuspuntu zuri batetik idatzia dagoela, baina bere garairako oso aurreratua iruditzen zait, eta dirudienez eragin handia izan zuen AEBetako beltzen eskubide zibilen aldeko mugimenduan.

A forward novel that we already moved past

3 stars

The book represents a point of view of a child during the 30's written by someone who was a child during the 30's, which brings valuable historical authenticity. It was published in the 60's and due to its immediate success it was a part of a shift in attitudes regarding the civil rights movements of the 70's. Reading the book with this context in mind is an interesting experience because to a contemporary mind, the 60's is in many ways more absurd than was the 30's to the author.

The novel own its own merit is greatly delivered, with enough character building and contextualization that by the time the main plot arrives my metropolitan millennial mind is decently acclimatized to a completely alien society and culture. The naive, progressive-household-raised, clean slate kid point of view gives the narrator plausible bewilderment when facing the pervasive racial injustice and hypocrisy the book …