I got distracted and paused reading, but the fact that Santa is now going to be acting Kunyukol has me kind of intrigued. I think I may wait to watch the drama first.
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Mostly (queer) fiction these days.
I read more when I was younger and most of the books here are still imports from several years ago (and many of those, especially the to-read shelf, were very random; the to-read shelf can basically be disregarded altogether). Younger-ish reads are still archived as handwritten lists in notebooks on my shelf.
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elevenses commented on Sunshine & Darkness Vol. 1 by JittiRain
elevenses commented on Love Director by MAME
elevenses started reading Love Director by MAME
elevenses finished reading Love in the Air Special by MAME
elevenses started reading Love in the Air Special by MAME
The extra story was especially sweet! I read this after watching the drama, so it’s not the same as reading before, but I found it was really nice to see the characters again and get some different perspectives on scenes etc.
elevenses finished reading Love Storm by MAME
This was pretty fun! I think I liked having watched the drama first, and now getting some alternate pov bits and extra details. In some ways, the acting of the drama also adds nuance to some of the scenes, just like the reverse happens for other details. And it was fun seeing how the timeline shifted a bit.
I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised, based on the drama, but this was more explicit than I was expecting 😂
elevenses started reading Love Storm by MAME
elevenses started reading The Boy Next World by MAME
elevenses started reading Sunshine & Darkness Vol. 1 by JittiRain
elevenses finished reading Married Thrice to Salted Fish by Bikabi 比卡比
elevenses started reading Married Thrice to Salted Fish by Bikabi 比卡比
elevenses finished reading Be My Favorite by JittiRain
Finished! This was actually quite different from the drama (even though I haven’t finished watching yet). Because they’re kind of almost different stories, I kind of like the drama better because of the structure, but also frankly they are very very different.